Issues from SINN UND FORM © Gernot Krämer

SINN UND FORM. The rediscovered Archive

Reading and Talk

To mark the 75th anniversary of SINN UND FORM, the out-of-print volumes (1949–91) of the journal published by the Akademie der Künste are being made digitally accessible again – and with them an archive that is quite unique in terms of literary and cultural history. The prominent names, special finds and literary treasures among the more than four thousand contributions will be presented in readings and discussions on this evening.

With Paul Bernewitz, Friedrich Dieckmann, Kerstin Hensel, Angela Krauß, Gustav Seibt

Reading: Ulrich Matthes

Moderation: Elisa Primavera-Lévy and Matthias Weichelt, Chief editor of SINN UND FORM

Tuesday, 11 Jun

7 pm

Pariser Platz

Plenary Hall

With Paul Bernewitz, Friedrich Dieckmann, Kerstin Hensel, Angela Krauß, Gustav Seibt

Reading: Ulrich Matthes

Moderation: Elisa Primavera-Lévy and Matthias Weichelt

In German

€ 7.50/5