Konrad Wolf Prize 2022 goes to Achim Freyer

Award Ceremony

Exceptionally belatedly, the Performing Arts Section honours its 2022 Konrad Wolf Award winner, the painter, stage designer and director Achim Freyer. Reinhild Hoffmann, Christian Grashof and Jürgen Flimm, who died in February, justified their choice: “Already in the GDR, his stage designs became a space for the senses and thoughts that challenged the action ... The very non-subordination of one art to another harboured a system-disrupting power that he also brought to West German theatre, inexhaustibly multiplying it to this day as a creative fund, through a pictorial inventiveness that—in a lucid game of boundary transgression and symbiosis—placed visual art and theatre in a new, egalitarian relationship.”

Friday, 8 Dec 2023

8 pm



Welcome: Nele Hertling

Laudatory speech: Friedrich Dieckmann

Talk with Achim Freyer, Barrie Kosky, Gerd-Harry “Judy” Lybke, moderation: Wolfgang Schreiber

In German

Free admission


Limited contingent for reservation


T +49 (0)30 200 57 10 00