By-Products of Love. Männerfreundschaften. Homoerotik in der Goethezeit

Film and Talk

There have long been rumours that Goethe not only lived out of wedlock with Christiane Vulpius and maintained amorous friendships, but also that he was not averse to homosexual contacts – Goethe's own texts substantiate this. It is the time of Sturm und Drang, when euphoria and experiment intertwined. In his latest movie, Rosa von Praunheim is not trying to "out" Goethe. He collects evidence and opposing views for his docudrama, constructs, discards and sheds light on homo-eroticism and homosexuality in the Weimar classics in a comprehensive and playful manner.

Saturday, 19 May 2018

8 pm



Berlin Premiere

Film by Rosa von Praunheim

Introduction and talk: Rosa von Praunheim

In German

€ 6/4


Tel.: (030) 200 57-1000