Literature Archives

Letters and cards from Franz Kafka to Paul Kisch, 1902/1903

Heinrich Mann, Manuscript pages from his Zola essay

Quill belonging to Günter Grass

Letters and cards from Rainer Maria Rilke to Carl Hauptmann

Original card file index from the Schriftstellerverband der DDR (East German association of writers)

Archive folder in the Ingeborg Drewitz Archive

Manuscripts and pictures in Johannes Schenk’s steamer trunk
The Literature Archives at the Akademie der Künste grew from the acquisition of two literary estates, that of Heinrich Mann by the East Berlin Akademie der Künste in 1950, and of Georg Kaiser by the West Berlin Akademie der Künste in 1956. Today, these literary and artistic archives comprise 410 individual collections, forming one of the largest resources on German literature from the start of Imperial Germany to the present day.
The analogue and digital manuscripts, letters, photos, diaries and notebooks as well as life documents of leading figures in literature, culture and criticism, journalism and science, provide a rich source of materials for literary, cultural historical ans aesthetic research. These collections are supplemented by holdings of files from writers’ associations, institutions, publishers, editorial departments and thematic collections.